“Faith is the antiseptic of the soul.”
Walt Whitman.
WALT WHITMAN publishes Leaves of Grass, exposing himself to attack by numerous critics. Ralph Waldo Emerson, however, wrote to tell the author, “I find it the most extraordinary piece of wit and wisdom that America has yet contributed.” (Halleck, 391)
Whitman will write as late as 1888, that “from a worldly and business point of view, Leaves of Grass has been worse than a failure – that public criticism on the book and myself as author of it yet shows mark’d anger and contempt more than anything else.” (387)
Halleck himself was more put off than pleased by Leaves of Grass, noting in 1911, that Whitman
thought that genuine realism forbade
his being selective and commanded him to put everything in his verse. he
accordingly included some offensive material which was outside the pale of
poetic treatment. Had he followed the same rule with his cooking, his chickens
would have been served to him without removing the feathers. (390)
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Whitman around this time. |
In The New Yorker, June 24, 2019, Peter Schjeldahl describes the poem, “The Sleepers,” in which “Whitman eavesdrops on the slumber of multitudes, dead and alive, and interweaves dreams of his own. At one point Whitman joins a merry company of spirits, of whom he says, ‘I reckon I am their boss, and they make me their pet besides.’”
“Whitman invented a poetry specific to this language [American English] and open to the kinds of experience, peculiar to democracy in a polyethnic society on a vast continent, that might otherwise be mute,” he notes.
Whitman was the second of nine children, born on a Long Island farm. His father “struggled in various lines of work.” The family moved to Brooklyn in 1830, and at 11, Walt went to work. In his off hours he was “an insatiable reader, haunting libraries.” In the 1830s he tried teaching, unhappily. He edited the Brooklyn Daily Eagle, starting in 1846, a prestigious paper. He was fired in 1848 due to his radical free-soil and anti-slavery politics. In 1855 he published the first of nine editions of Leaves of Grass. Seven years later, he traveled south to find his brother, George, who had been wounded in the Battle of Fredericksburg. He worked as a nurse the rest of the war, predicting, “The real war will never get in the books.”
In a poem in 1856, Whitman wrote of the “divine-souled African, large, fine-headed, nobly-formed, superbly destined, on equal terms with me!” In later years, Schjeldahl notes, Whitman referred to blacks as “baboons” and “wild brutes.” He had “imbibed a version of Social Darwinism that predicted the decline of nonwhite peoples, Asians sometimes excepted.”
By Walt
wander all night in my vision,
Stepping with light feet, swiftly and noiselessly stepping
Bending with open eyes over the shut eyes of
Wandering and confused, lost to myself, ill-assorted,
Pausing, gazing, bending, and stopping.
solemn they look there, stretch’d and still,
How quiet they breathe, the little children in their
wretched features of ennuyes, the white
features of corpses, the livid faces of
the sick-gray faces of onanists,
The gash’d bodies on battle-fields, the insane in their
strong-door’d rooms, the sacred idiots,
the new-
born emerging
from gates, and the dying emerging from gates,
The night pervades them and infolds them.
married couple sleep calmly in their bed, he
with his palm on the hip of the wife, and
she with
her palm on the hip of the husband,
The sisters sleep lovingly side by side in their bed,
The men sleep lovingly side by side in theirs,
And the mother sleeps with her little child carefully
blind sleep, and the deaf and dumb sleep,
The prisoner sleeps well in the prison, the runaway
son sleeps,
The murderer that is to be hung next day, how does
he sleep?
And the murder’d person, how does he sleep?
female that loves unrequited sleeps,
And the male that loves unrequited sleeps,
The head of the money-maker that plotted all day
And the enraged and treacherous dispositions, all, all
I stand
in the dark with drooping eyes by the worst-
suffering and the most restless,
I pass my hands soothingly to and fro a few inches
from them,
The restless sink in their beds, they fitfully sleep.
Now I
pierce the darkness, new beings appear,
The earth recedes from me into the night,
I saw that it was beautiful, and I see that what is not
the earth is beautiful.
I go
from bedside to bedside, I sleep close with the
other sleepers each in turn,
I dream in my dream all the dreams of the other
And I become the other dreamers.
I am a
dance—play up there! the fit is whirling me
I am
the ever-laughing—it is new moon and twilight,
I see the hiding of douceurs, I see nimble ghosts
whichever way I look,
Cache and cache again deep in the ground and sea,
and where it is neither ground nor sea.
Well do
they do their jobs those journeymen divine,
Only from me can they hide nothing, and would not
if they could,
I reckon I am their boss and they make me a pet
And surround me and lead me and run ahead when I
To lift their cunning covers to signify me with
stretch’d arms, and resume the way;
Onward we move, a gay gang of blackguards!
with mirth-shouting music and
wild-flapping pennants
of joy!
I am
the actor, the actress, the voter, the politician,
The emigrant and the exile, the criminal that stood
in the box,
He who has been famous and he who shall be famous
after to-day,
The stammerer, the well-form’d person, the wasted
or feeble person.
I am
she who adorn’d herself and folded her hair
My truant lover has come, and it is dark.
Double yourself
and receive me darkness,
Receive me and my lover too, he will not let me go
without him.
I roll
myself upon you as upon a bed, I resign myself
to the dusk.
He whom
I call answers me and takes the place of
my lover,
He rises with me silently from the bed.
you are gentler than my lover, his flesh was
sweaty and panting,
I feel the hot moisture yet that he left me.
hands are spread forth, I pass them in all
I would sound up the shadowy shore to which you
are journeying.
careful darkness! already what was it touch’d me?
I thought my lover had gone, else darkness and he
are one,
I hear the heart-beat, I follow, I fade away.
descend my western course, my sinews are flaccid,
Perfume and youth course through me and I am
their wake.
It is
my face yellow and wrinkled instead of the old
I sit low in a straw-bottom chair and carefully darn
my grandson’s stockings.
It is I
too, the sleepless widow looking out on the
winter midnight,
I see the sparkles of starshine on the icy and pallid
shroud I see and I am the shroud, I wrap a body
and lie in the coffin,
It is dark here under ground, it is not evil or pain
here, it is blank here, for reasons.
seems to me that every thing in the light and air
ought to be happy,
Whoever is not in his coffin and the dark grave let
him know he has enough.)
I see a
beautiful gigantic swimmer swimming naked
through the eddies of the sea,
His brown hair lies close and even to his head, he
strikes out with courageous arms, he urges
himself with his legs,
I see his white body, I see his undaunted eyes,
I hate the swift-running eddies that would dash him
head-foremost on the rocks.
are you doing you ruffianly red-trickled waves?
Will you kill the courageous giant? will you kill him
in the prime of his middle age?
and long he struggles,
He is baffled, bang’d, bruis’d, he holds out while his
strength holds out,
The slapping eddies are spotted with his blood, they
bear him away, they roll him, swing him,
His beautiful body is borne in the circling eddies, it
is continually bruis’d on rocks,
Swiftly and ought of sight is borne the brave corpse.
I turn
but do not extricate myself,
Confused, a past-reading, another, but with darkness
beach is cut by the razory ice-wind, the wreck-
guns sound,
The tempest lulls, the moon comes floundering
through the drifts.
I look
where the ship helplessly heads end on, I hear
the burst as she strikes, I hear the howls
dismay, they grow fainter and fainter.
cannot aid with my wringing fingers,
I can but rush to the surf and let it drench me and
freeze upon me.
search with the crowd, not one of the company is
wash’d to us alive,
In the morning I help pick up the dead and lay them
in rows in a barn.
Now of
the older war-days, the defeat at Brooklyn,
Washington stands inside the lines, he stands on the
intrench’d hills amid a crowd of officers.
His face is cold and damp, he cannot repress the
weeping drops,
He lifts the glass perpetually to his eyes, the color is blanch’d
from his cheeks,
He sees the slaughter of the southern braves
confided to him by their parents.
same at last and at last when peace is declared,
He stands in the room of the old tavern, the well-
belov’d soldiers all pass through,
The officers speechless and slow draw near in their
The chief encircles their necks with his arm and
kisses them on the cheek,
He kisses lightly the wet cheeks one after another, he
shakes hands and bids good-by to the army.
what my mother told me one day as we sat at
dinner together,
Of when she was a nearly grown girl living home
with her parents on the old homestead.
A red
squaw came one breakfast-time to the old
On her back she carried a bundle of rushes for rush-
bottoming chairs,
Her hair, straight, shiny, coarse, black, profuse, half-
envelop’d her face,
Her step was free and elastic, and her voice sounded
exquisitely as she spoke.
mother look’d in delight and amazement at the
She look’d at the freshness of her tall-borne face and
full and pliant limbs,
The more she look’d upon her she loved her,
Never before had she seen such wonderful beauty
and purity,
She made her sit on a bench by the jamb of the
fireplace, she cook’d food for her,
She had no work to give her, but she gave her
remembrance and fondness.
The red
squaw staid all the forenoon, and toward the
middle of the afternoon she went away,
O my mother was loth to have her go away,
All the week she thought of her, she watch’d for her
many a month,
She remember’d her many a winter and many a
But the red squaw never came nor was heard of there
A show
of the summer softness—a contact of
something unseen—an amour of the light and
I am jealous and overwhelm’d with friendliness,
And will go gallivant with the light and air myself.
O love
and summer, you are in the dreams and in me,
Autumn and winter are in the dreams, the farmer
goes with his thrift,
The droves and crops increase, the barns are well-
merge in the night, ships make tacks in the
The sailor sails, the exile returns home,
The fugitive returns unharm’d, the immigrant is back
beyond months and years,
The poor Irishman lives in the simple house of his
childhood with the well known neighbors
They warmly welcome him, he is barefoot again, he
forgets he is well off,
The Dutchman voyages home, and the Scotchman
and Welshman voyage home, and the native
the Mediterranean voyages home,
To every port of England, France, Spain, enter well-
fill’d ships,
The Swiss foots it toward his hills, the Prussian goes
his way, the Hungarian his way, and the
Pole his
The Swede returns, and the Dane and Norwegian
homeward bound and the outward bound,
The beautiful lost swimmer, the ennuye, the onanist,
the female that loves unrequited, the
The actor and actress, those through with their parts
and those waiting to commence,
The affectionate boy, the husband and wife, the
voter, the nominee that is chosen and the
nominee that has fail’d,
The great already known and the great any time
after to-day,
The stammerer, the sick, the perfect-form’d, the
The criminal that stood in the box, the judge that sat
and sentenced him, the fluent lawyers,
the jury,
the audience,
The laugher and weeper, the dancer, the midnight
widow, the red squaw,
The consumptive, the erysipalite, the idiot, he that
is wrong’d,
The antipodes, and every one between this and them
in the dark,
I swear they are averaged now—one is no better than
the other,
The night and sleep have liken’d them and restored
I swear
they are all beautiful,
Every one that sleeps is beautiful, every thing in the
dim light is beautiful,
The wildest and bloodiest is over, and all is peace.
is always beautiful,
The myth of heaven indicates peace and night.
myth of heaven indicates the soul,
The soul is always beautiful, it appears more or it
appears less, it comes or it lags behind,
It comes from its embower’d garden and looks
pleasantly on itself and encloses the
Perfect and clean the genitals previously jetting, and
perfect and clean the womb cohering,
The head well-grown proportion’d and plumb, and
the bowels and joints proportion’d and
soul is always beautiful,
The universe is duly in order, every thing is in its
What has arrived is in its place and what waits shall
be in its place,
The twisted skull waits, the watery or rotten blood
The child of the glutton or venerealee waits long,
and the child of the drunkard waits long,
and the
drunkard himself waits long,
The sleepers that lived and died wait, the far
advanced are to go on in their turns, and
the far
behind are to come on in their turns,
The diverse shall be no less diverse, but they shall
flow and unite—they unite now.
sleepers are very beautiful as they lie unclothed,
They flow hand in hand over the whole earth from
east to west as they lie unclothed,
The Asiatic and African are hand in hand, the
European and American are hand in hand,
Learn’d and unlearn’d are hand in hand, and male
and female are hand in hand,
The bare arm of the girl crosses the bare breast of
her lover, they press close without lust,
his lips
press her neck,
The father holds his grown or ungrown son in his
arms with measureless love, and the son
the father in his arms with measureless
The white hair of the mother shines on the white
wrist of the daughter,
The breath of the boy goes with the breath of the
man, friend is inarm’d by friend,
The scholar kisses the teacher and the teacher kisses
the scholar, the wrong’d made right,
The call of the slave is one with the master’s call, and
the master salutes the slave,
The felon steps forth from the prison, the insane
becomes sane, the suffering of sick
persons is
The sweatings and fevers stop, the throat that was
unsound is sound, the lungs of the
are resumed, the poor distress’d head is
The joints of the rheumatic move as smoothly as
ever, and smoother than ever,
Stiflings and passages open, the paralyzed become
The swell’d and convuls’d and congested awake to
themselves in condition,
They pass the invigoration of the night and the
chemistry of the night, and awake.
I too
pass from the night,
I stay a while away O night, but I return to you again
and love you.
should I be afraid to trust myself to you?
I am not afraid, I have been well brought forward by
I love the rich running day, but I do not desert her in
whom I lay so long,
I know not how I came of you and I know not where
I go with you, but
I know I came well and shall go well.
I will
stop only a time with the night, and rise
I will duly pass the day O my mother, and duly
return to you.
MCMASTER notes: “In 1855 Know-nothing governors and legislatures were elected in eight states, and heavy votes polled in six more.” (97/336)
WITH HIS FAME assured by 1855, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow developed a deep interest in Native American folklore. Out of his studies came “The Song of Hiawatha,” which sold 4,000 copies on its first day.
Hiawatha is an “Ojibwa superman,” as James Marcus puts it, who brings peace to his people, teaches them to plant corn, and develops a pictograph alphabet. In one dramatic scene we see crows descend in a black cloud to feast on the body of a fallen warrior:
Soon they
came with caw and clamor,
Rush of wings and cry of voices,
To their work of devastation,
Settling down upon the corn-fields,
Delving deep with beak and talon,
For the body of Mondamin.
Unfortunately, for Longfellow, tastes changed, and most modern readers have forgotten his works. In 1915, a critic would mock his poetry. “Longfellow is to poetry,” Van Wyck Brooks wrote, “what the barrel-organ is to music.”
During his lifetime, however, Longfellow had been hugely popular. On one occasion a New York paper paid him $4,000 for a single poem, “The Hanging of the Crane.” That would equal $80,000 today.
Another fierce critic was Edgar Allan Poe, but more on political grounds, than the quality of his lines. When Longfellow published a set of poems on slavery, Poe sneered. The collection, he said was “intended for the especial use of those negrophilic old ladies of the north, who form so large a part of Mr. Longfellow’s friends.”
As James Marcus, a reviewer for The New Yorker
notes, however, “The poet also backed up his words with deeds, using some of
his profits from ‘Hiawatha’ to secretly buy slaves out of bondage.
As James Marcus, a reviewer for The New Yorker
notes, however, “The poet also backed up his words with deeds, using some of
his profits from ‘Hiawatha’ to secretly buy slaves out of bondage.
“Slavery at its best.”
GEN. WINFIELD SCOTT would later call Robert E. Lee “the very best soldier that I ever saw in the field.” According to Freeman, Lee was “inspired to audacity,” based on his experiences in Mexico. Three times, his bravery won him brevet promotions during the war; and he finished with the rank of colonel. (22/76)
He served as superintendent at West Point from 1852 to 1855.
“Many boys were being sent to the academy without proper preparation, and sometimes when they were dismissed for failure or for misconduct, discipline was impaired because the Secretary of War yielded to political considerations and ordered them restored to duty.” (22/82)
His son, Fitz, ran into repeated trouble at the Academy; and twice his father had to recommend him for dismissal. After piling up 197 demerits, he was required to remain at West Point during summer break. He and another cadet snuck out at night and did not return until 2:30 in the morning. Once again he was placed under arrest and it looked as if his career would be ended.
His classmates agreed that if he were spared, they
would pledge not to commit the same offense during the coming academic year;
and that offer was accepted. Lee’s son Custis did a better job of upholding
family honor, finishing first in his class in 1854. A classmate who had often
visited the superintendent’s home and had “wholly won his heart” was Jeb
In March 1855, Albert Sidney Johnston was named colonel of the new Second Cavalry and Lee was named lieutenant colonel.
Duty in the West in that period was often dull – and Lee found it depressing, including the heat in Texas. He was often assigned to duty as judge advocate at court martials. One scouting missions to find the best location for a fort, he was often accompanied by Lt. John B. Hood.
During the week before Christmas he scoured the poor
shops of Fort Brown for presents, and on Christmas morning he had something for
every officer's child in the Garrison, though he had known them only a few
weeks and expected to leave them soon. (22/92)
He believed in gradual emancipation “and had sent to Liberia such of his servants as wished to go.
Writing in 1935, Douglas Southall Freeman could say of Lee, “He was compelled to send some of the Arlington negroes to work in eastern Virginia.”
According to Freeman, Lee expressed his opinion on slavery so:
In this enlightened age, there are very few I
believe, but will acknowledge, that slavery as an institution, is a moral and
political evil in any Country. It is useless to expatiate on its disadvantages.
I think it however a greater evil to the white man than to the black race,
& while my feelings are strongly enlisted in behalf of the latter, my
sympathies are more with the former. The blacks are immeasurably better off
here than in Africa, morally, socially & physically. The painful discipline
they are undergoing, is necessary for their instruction as a race, & I hope
will prepare & lead them to better things. (22/92)
Freeman then adds, unironically, “He had never been among the blacks on a cotton or rice plantation. Lee was only acquainted with slavery at its best and he judged it accordingly.” (22/93)
September 3: “Indian troubles” have convinced President Franklin Pierce to send Gen. William S. Harney west, with simple instructions. “Whip the Indians for us,” he commands.
Now, in the hours just before dawn, Harney and 600 soldiers prepare for a surprise attack on Chief Little Thunder’s Brulé Lakota village, on Blue Water Creek, near present-day Lewellen, Nebraska.
“By God, I am for battle,” Harney has told a fur trapper. “No peace.”
In the early light of day, Harney sends a force of cavalry north of the village to attack, and then strikes from the south with his main force.
As soon as the Brulé glimpsed Harney’s
troops the women began to strike tepees, loading lodge poles, skins and other
belongings onto travois, sledges drawn by horses and dogs. Seeing the people
flee north, Harney feared his cavalry had insufficient time to set the ambush.
To stall, he sent a guide to request a parley with Little Thunder. The chief
quickly obliged, galloping toward the soldiers with two of his most renowned
warriors, Spotted Tail and Iron Shell. According to one account, Little Thunder
approached Harney holding an umbrella as a makeshift white flag.
The conversation took place over a
distance of 30 to 40 feet. The general shouted his outrage for the killings of
Grattan and his soldiers [see my post for: 1854] and
the murders of the three men in the mail coach robbery. “The day of retribution
had come,” Harney said.
Thirty minutes later, feeling delay was no longer necessary, the general sent Little Thunder back to his people. He gave his soldiers the order to open fire, then took up a viewing position atop a nearby hill.
One survivor of the attack, named Cokawin, later told her story to Susan Bordeaux Bettelyoun, another Lakota woman.
“The smoke of
the battle blinded her,” Bettelyoun wrote in her own memoir, With My Own Eyes.
“As she looked all around, she could see the soldiers galloping after groups of
old men, women and children who were running for their lives. Some were running
across the valley only to be met by soldiers and shot right down.”
As Cokawin tried to flee, a
soldier shot her in the stomach. “The bullet ripped her open for about six
inches, a glancing shot. … Her bowels protruded from the wound as she fell.” To
hide, Cokawin covered herself in tumbleweed and tore off a piece of her sleeve
to use as a bandage. “There she lay all day listening to guns roar and to the
hoofbeats of the horses, the shouting and yelling of the soldiers who came so
near at times that she thought she would be discovered. Once in a while she
could hear a Sioux war cry. At these times, Cokawin said she felt like singing
and giving the trill.”
The “battle” was soon over, with many Lakota fleeing to the northeast, across the prairie. Eighty-six Lakota were dead, others badly wounded.
If Harney and most of his men celebrated their victory, a young West Point graduate, Lt. Gouverneur K. Warren, was appalled.
At one point, he had watched soldiers fire into caves where some of the natives had sought refuge. He described the results:
Wounded women and children crying and moaning, horribly mangled by the bullets … Two Indian men were killed in the hole … Seven women were killed … and three children, two of them in their mothers’ arms. One young woman was wounded in the left shoulder … Another handsome young squaw was badly wounded just above her left knee and the same ball wounded her baby in the right knee … I had a litter made and put her and her child upon it. I found another girl of about 12 years lying with her head down in a ravine and apparently dead. Observing her breath, I had a man take her in his arms. She was shot through both feet. I found a little boy shot through the calves of his legs and through his hams … He had enough strength left to hold me round the neck.
Warren listened as a Lakota mother wept over the body of her baby. “The feeling of sympathy for the wounded women and children, and deep regret at their being so,” he later wrote, “I found universal.”
Then he added, “It could not be helped.”
Spotted Tail was said to have fought bravely, Iron Shell by his side. The Lakota believe he killed several soldiers. Wounded by bullets and sabers, he finally had to flee.
The story of a dying grandmother and one little boy – the son of
the chief –became something of a legend among the Brulé. In 2005, exactly 150
years later, that story was recounted near the site of the massacre by the
boy’s great-granddaughter, a Lakota elder and activist named Rosalie Little
Thunder. “His grandmother’s blood dripped on him, but he stayed still when he
heard all the hoofbeats, gunshots, cries, shouts,” she said to a group of
relatives and others who had gathered for a commemoration. “He finally emerged
after some silence. The Army spotted him and gave chase. He ran until he got
over a little hill and found a burrow surrounded by tall grass. He hid there
and stayed there until just before daylight, when it’s coldest and the dew
forms. He emerged from there and started his trek – 200 miles north to Sicangu [Brulé]
country – to take word of the massacre.”
Gen. Harney confiscated the tepees, and the buffalo meat the Lakota had gathered, from a successful, earlier hunt. Most of their belongings were plundered or burned. But Lt. Warren was careful to gather up some of the most impressive items: beaded cradleboards, dresses, leggings, a headdress, and even a child’s doll. These, Warren later sent to the Smithsonian.
The story of this attack was mostly forgotten, but in recent years, descendants of Harney, Little Thunder, Spotted Tail, and others have gathered at the massacres site, to seek healing for crimes of the past. A book about the massacre alerted people to the fact that a collection of artifacts could be found in the Smithsonian, including the doll. It has seeds for eyes, and long black hair, made from a horse’s tail, and it’s dressed in little moccasins, and a blue wool cloth dress.
Now there are plans to return the items collected by Lt. Warren to the Brulé, to establish a memorial and interpretive center at Blue Water Creek and search the location for any remains of the victims.
The highest peak in South Dakota, once named after Harney, has
also been renamed, “Black Elk Mountain.”
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The doll. |
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