Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Maps and Pictures for History Teachers


I retired from teaching in 2008, but I have hundreds of old pictures and maps, scanned from old history and geography books. If you can use any of these, feel free. These materials on World War I come from various sources:

I don't think we should ever allow students to imagine that war is glamorous.

Badly disfigured doughboy.

Guy Empey, an American who served with the British army said there was
one good result of gas attacks. The rats in the trenches were all killed.

Would students grasp the danger to the crew from the location of the gas tank?

Capt. Eddie Rickenbacker.

American troops greeted in France as heroes.

Sgt. York said he never told his mother about his heroics.
He was not proud of having killed other men.

An unrealistic view of trench warfare from an American school book published in 1920.

I took all of these maps and comparisons from a geography book published in 1913, World Geography, Part II, by Tarr and McMurray. 

I scanned all of these pictures from old Harper’s Monthly magazines, if you can use any of them. They’re from 1886 and before.

Flirtation at a party in 1886.

Style for girls - 1886.

Native American baby carrier.

Scalp drying on a frame - 1870.

Style for women - 1870.

Bicycles in style - 1886.

Hair dressing product sure to make you forget your dandruff - 1886.

A woman caught in a tree on a hike - 1886.

Three women out for a hike - 1886.

School days - c. 1765.

John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry.

The latest in firefighting technology - 1860s.

Scene from King Philip's War.

Lt. Lemley gives Featherhead a ride - 1886.

Attending to a young woman.

Flirtation never goes out of style - 1886.

Anti-Catholic propaganda - England - 1685.

Some addictions never change - 1627.

Protest against King Charles II.

Washington D.C. scene - 1875.

An acrobatic gentleman changes his seat at a party - 1872

Ready for a shave - 1872.

The first (mythical) leader of the Iroquois Confederation.

Typical country store - 1870.

Forgetful customer at the country store - 1870.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at villejjv@yahoo.com. Or you can find me on Facebook, John Viall.

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